
I Heart Water Initiative

June 2017

Drinking water is essential to improving one's health. However, many people instead turn to higher-calorie beverages to quench their thirst. To address this issue, Mecklenburg County Public Health, Charlotte Water and Healthy Weight, Healthy Child are pleased to announce the I Heart Water Initiative. This Initiative is working to encourage residents young and old to adopt water as their go-to drink where they live, work and play.

As parents and caregivers of young children, you have the ability to influence children, about the AMAZING benefits drinking water has on the body. You can help children start a life-long habit of choosing healthy beverages by avoiding too many sugar sweetened beverages and drinking more water. A recent recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics (2017) state kids under the age of 1 should avoid fruit juice, and older kids should drink it only sparingly.  This is linked to evidence suggesting juice consumption links to tooth decay and to gaining too much or too little weight.

Our partners at Charlotte Water work tirelessly to ensure that water flowing from the tap is free and clear of harmful chemicals and toxins. Per the 2015 Drinking Water Quality Report, Charlotte's water not only met but exceeded all state and federal drinking water standards; an incredible accomplishment!  So, the next time you need a drink of water, we encourage you to consider the good, old-fashioned tap.

Article Written by Allison Nelson, MS, RD, LDN, Supervisor, Mecklenburg County Public Health

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